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For a place in new world order, India must reverse over-securitisation of its foreign policy

The Print, December 30, 2019

‘The world in 2015’

Deccan Herald, January 16, 2015

सात दशक की सबसे बड़ी जमीनी जंग

Hindustan, June 2, 2023

India’s grand strategy on Pakistan

The Hindu, March 14, 2019

‘Dragon goes Gringo!’

HARDNEWS, August 1, 2008

‘India should be wary of Obama’s AfPak policy’

ETERNAL INDIA, Volume 1 number 6, March, 2009

How the ‘deep state’ gamed the system

The Hindu, August 18, 2018

एशिया का रुतबा लौटाते भारत-चीन

Hindustan, July 7, 2023

How India can keep China in check | Opinion

Hindustan Times, June 25, 2020

‘China deterrence cannot come from Navy’

The Hindu, August 7, 2013

‘Afghanistan: Does India need to change course?’

Eternal India, Volume 1, December, 2008

‘Should India remake the periphery in its own image?’

Business Standard, January 20, 2014