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‘American Sunset? A New Security Architecture for Asia’

Asian Forum on Global Governance 2020, Observer Research Foundation-Raisina Dialogue, Delhi, January 13, 2020
Nehru meemorial museum Logo

‘India-US Relations Today: Prospects & Challenges’

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML), Indo-American Friendship Association and Chicago University, Delhi, January 13, 2020
Foreign Service Institute

Lecture at 1st Special Course for Diplomats from Francophone Central and West African Countries

Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, November 28, 2019
Foreign Service Institute

Lecture at 1st Special Course for Egyptian Diplomats

Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, June 11, 2019
Foreign Service Institute

Lecture at 1st Special Course for Diplomats from Angola, Botswana, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, and Sao Tome & Principe

Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, May 9, 2019

‘History of India China relations since the 1940s’

Address to the 59th batch at the National Defence College, New Delhi, April 25, 2019

‘Redefining Eurasia Managing the Supercontinent’, India-Russia relations in the new strategic context

Valdai Club in partnership with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Moscow, April 9, 2019
Center for policy research dialogues

‘Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in a changing South Asia’

CPR Dialogues 2018, New Delhi, December 18, 2018
Fudan university Logo

‘Sino-Indian border issues in new situation’

Track-II Dialogue hosted by the Center for South Asian Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 10-11, 2018
Konard Adventure Logo

‘India-China Relations in the coming decade’, “India and security challenges in the Indo-Pacific in the new era”

Conference at the Manekshaw Convention Centre (organized by FSI-Konrad Adenauer Stiftung-CLAWS), Delhi, July 13, 2018

‘India and China in South Asia: Rival Visions or ‘common neighborhood?’, Round table dialogue on China-India relations

Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai, China, June 21-22, 2018
Institut français des relations internationales

‘Indian democracy and legacy for the region’ at an event on ‘Democracy in Asia: Models, Experiences and Challenges’

Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), Paris, France, January 24, 2018